3 May 2016

AAS Education Task Force Needs You to Weigh In by 12 May

Gina Brissenden American Astronomical Society (AAS)

AAS President Meg Urry recently announced the creation of the AAS Education Task Force, and its call for white papers from the AAS community. Urry stated in her announcement, "Thoughtful input from the astronomical community will be perhaps the most important knowledge the AAS can gather as the education task force moves forward in its work."

So, please do provide one- to two-page (or longer, if necessary; or shorter, if you prefer) white papers on any aspect of education, professional development, or public outreach, including information about your existing activities in these areas, recommendations for future activities or policies, or even the definitions and boundaries of the three categories (education, professional development, and public outreach) themselves.

Please send your white papers, or any questions you might have, by email to Education Officer Charles Liu or to me, Gina Brissenden. The nominal deadline is 12 May; if you need more time than that, however, just let us know — we will be glad to receive your input any time up to 9 June, a few days before the 228th AAS meeting begins in San Diego and our task force gathers to review your input.

To learn more about the official charge of the education task force, who the task force members are, and more, please see the recent post by Charles Liu.

The AAS Education Task Force looks forward to hearing from you. Thank you very, very much!