
DASCH Data Release 2 Now Available

20 November 2013
The second data release (DR2) for the Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard (DASCH) is now available from the project website. DASCH provide images and fully processed astrometry and photometry from the digitized...

Press Officer Seeks Newsworthy Results in Washington, DC

20 November 2013
If you think the news media may be interested in your oral or poster presentation at the 223rd AAS meeting in January, please consult with your institutional public-information officer and ask him or her to contact AAS...

ALMA Cycle 2 Call for Proposals Open

29 Oct 2013
The ALMA Director, on behalf of the partner organizations and all the personnel in Chile, East Asia, Europe, and North America involved in bringing ALMA to Early Science readiness, is pleased to issue the Cycle 2 Call...

Candidate Statements for 2014 AAS Election

21 October 2013

Balloting for the next election of AAS officers and councilors will open in mid-December 2013 and close at the end of January 2014. All AAS members eligible to vote in the election will be notified once the ballot is...

CSWA Seeks Input on Two-Body Career Problem

18 October 2013
The AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy is conducting a survey about two-body careers in astronomy. You're invited to take the survey whether or not you are partnered.

Talent Search: Inaugural AAS Open Mic Night

16 Oct 2013
On Tuesday evening, 7 January, at the 223rd AAS meeting in Washington, DC, we’ll hold our first-ever open-microphone night. Sign up now to share your musical or other talents with friends and colleagues!

More Judges Needed for Rodger Doxsey Travel Prizes

14 October 2013
It’s time to choose the Doxsey Prize winners for the 223rd AAS meeting. We need help from full members willing to review and rank dissertation abstracts. Our last call for volunteers didn't net us enough. Please sign up...